Bullying Prevention-AB2053 Compliant

BULLYING AND ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR Prevention Training Programs available on DVD or e-learning courses for both managers and all employees.

California Bill AB2053 adds another component of training to the already existing  AB1825.  The new mandate which takes effect January 1, 2015 requires employers who are subject to sexual harassment law to continue complying with the requirements of the law but also include prevention of abusive conduct as a component of training and education.

Given the bill’s broad language, California employers and Employers that have employees working in California  need to be ready to train their employees against not only illegal harassment and discrimination, but also against bullying in the workplace. The law is not clear on the requirement regarding when supervisors must receive training to be compliant with this new requirement. However, it has been suggested that organizations may prefer training now to cover this new requirement to avoid any issues.

Corporate Training Shop has many courses available that address bullying in the workplace from the perspective of what Managers need to know and do to prevent bullying and abusive behavior and also for training all employees on prevention of bullying.

We offer interactive e-learning courses, digital streaming license , classroom or self study DVD programs on this topic.

Abusive Conduct may include the following:

  • verbally abusing someone by yelling or screaming at them
  • repeated demeaning and degrading verbal remarks that "put down" or make employees feel subhuman
  • humiliating others through public criticism, gossip or ridicule
  • denigrating the work standards or achievements of others
  • intentionally destroying an employee's work product such that the individual receives punishment or reprimand
  • work sabotage through misinformation or by giving impossible deadlines
  • not giving credit
  • isolation from opportunities, information and interaction with others
  • physical contact with a co-worker such as pushing, blocking, or hitting, etc.
  • throwing books, chairs, stacks of paper or other "conduct" that a reasonable person would find intimidating
  • stealing files, personal affects or office supplies
Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
Got Leadership? Beyond Bullying
: $0.00
Got Leadership? Beyond Bullying
Short program for managers on recognizing warning signs of workplace violence and what to do when confronted.
Legal Social Media At Work
Legal Social Media At Work
Protect your organization from legal, reputation and security issues involving Social Media. Use this program for orientation or introduction to company policy on use of social media at work.