Shopping Cart Help

If your are having trouble with adding, updating or editing your cart,  Contact Us for Assistance.

Adding an item to your cart
  • The Purchase Options/Select area on each Product Page shows product choices
  • Choose the option that applies to your purchase on this
  • then click ADD TO CART
  • After a product is added to the shopping basket, you can click on VIEW or EDIT CART links to update quantities or remove products from cart
  • When you have all the products and quantities finalized, you can click the CHECKOUT link
  • Next Step is to complete the required Billing, Shipping and Payment information
  • Last Step, select the Order Complete option to complete the transaction
  • Once your order is processed, a confirmation email will be sent and the products shipped to the designated address
When you are searching for products to support your training, if you are not finding the program titles, version or topic , use our- Live Support button  and we will be happy to serve you or phone: (610)-734-1546  or send us an email: