
Today's workplace is the most diverse in history whether locally or globally, employees from every ethnic group are working side by side or at a distance. Help your employees learn to appreciate this diversity.  We have many programs that focus on overcoming any prejudices, stereotypes and bias that may exist that detract from the wealth of knowledge and experience that comes from having a diverse workforce.
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Displaying products 1 - 3 of 3 results
Respect for People
: $595.00
Respect for People
Program with focus on respect, recognition of value, engagement and empowering of employees.
Respect in the Workplace
Respect in the Workplace
Often we bring our own preconceived opinions to the workplace and they can hurt our fellow employees! Increase awareness of how we can hurt our fellow workers and promote an inclusive workplace.
It About Respect: Recognizing Harassment in a Diverse Workplace
It About Respect: Recognizing Harassment in a Diverse Workplace
Best selling program to help raise awareness regarding harassment and explain the do's and don'ts of creating a respectful workplace for everyone.