Social Media Optimization for Dummies

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Social Media Optimization For Dummies serves as your roadmap to smart marketing in the digital age. What is Social Media Optimization (SMO), exactly? Well, it's comprised of two closely related practices. First, SMO refers to a set of techniques in which social media is used to drive traffic to a website and create an interest in a product or service. Second, SMO concerns the optimization of the social media presence itself with the goal of building followers, increasing engagement, and, again, generating interest in a product or service. Each of these parts supports the other and, when the channels are managed efficiently, enhances the other's effectiveness. In this plain English, easy-to-follow guide, you'll quickly discover how to apply SMO practices to your marketing plan to accomplish those goals.

  • Integrate social media into your website
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Build followers and generate a buzz
  • Increase engagement with customers

From integrating social media into your website to building your social media presence to everything in between, Social Media Optimization For Dummies points your business toward success.

Publication date: April 2015 Paperback 360 pages

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