Team Player
* Whole number only
Team Player training program with DVD presents the evolution of a team as they come together to solve a problem. We watch as they norm and storm together, develop individual roles and responsibilities to achieve their team goals.
Key training Points:
functioning more effectively as a team
recognizing the importance of each individual
setting common ground rules
encouraging everyone on the team to participate
Training package includes: DVD (22) minutes plus facilitator guide. Also available in Spanish.
DiSC Team Dimensions Profile helps individuals work from their strengths by identifying their most natural team role and giving them added apprecaition for the contribution of others.
Five Dysfunctions of a Team Deluxe Faciliatator Set - Second Edition completely updated with one day workshop, new PowerPoint, new content on trust and more.
Comprehensive workshop facilitation package that compliments the Team Performance Inventory.
Reliable assessment inventory to measure team efectiveness.
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