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DiSC Suite of Products- On-Line Completion
Corporate Training Shop, Inc. Authorized Partner Everything DiSC, A Wiley Brand Achieves High Sales Honor in 2014 Corporate Training Shop, Inc. is committed to bringing our world-class learning tools to their clients,” said Barry Davis, Vice President and General Manager of Wiley Workplace Learning Solutions. “Our award winners have a strong dedication to providing clients with tools, resources, and counsel to help them navigate today’s ever-changing, complex workplace environments. We are honored to have Diane Reynolds @ The Corporate Training Shop as a valued Partner.”

Since "need tags" aren't really an option, there's Everything DiSC© learning tools based
on the third generation of the research-validated DiSC© assessment.
DiSC EPIC On Line use with the DiSC products including the Everything DiSC Application Library, the DiSC -EPIC On-Line Application is simple for the user to use from any location. Each person receives a unique url code by e-mail to gain entrance to the application in order to complete the designated profile.
The user can print out the report and bring it to a training session or the facilitator can elect to print the reports and distribute them.
A Group Culture Report helps you determine the group's DiSC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking. This is a very insightful report and highly recommended when working with groups.
Facilitator Report provides individual data and composite of your group's DiSc Styles and information on how DiSC styles can affect your organizations culture.
DiSC is a registered trademark of Inscape Publishing, Inc.
To learn more about and the DiSC® Products- contact us @888-894-6224.
Your team CAN do better. New DiSC based workshop on team development from the best selling book Five Dysfunctions of A Team by Patrick Lencioni.
Work of Leaders approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship. This new DiSC assessment focuses on the skills of creating a vision, building alignment around the vision and championing execution of the vision.
DiSC Team Dimensions Profile helps individuals work from their strengths by identifying their most natural team role and giving them added apprecaition for the contribution of others.
Personal Listening Profile helps people discover their most natural approach to listening while gaining insight into the different listening approaches of others. Formats available paper or on-line.
Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders combines the best of 360s with the simplicty and power of DiSC plus three strategies for improving leadership effectiveness.
DISC based management training workshop increases effectiveness of your managers using personalized learning. Best Seller!
Do you know your sales style and how it is received by your customers buying style? Explore this new DISC based workshop to learn more about Sales styles.
DiSC Classic 2.0 or 2 Plus adds an informative conversational style that clarifies all the elements of the instrument. DiSC Classic 2.0 Plus offers supplemental reports for digging deeper into relational styles.
Complete facilitation kit for all the DISC behavior profiles with video, powerpoint slides all on portable USB drive!