Social Media

Social Media at Work Training Programs:includes legal issues surrounding use of devices for communication in the workplace and the forms of communication that may be considered against legal issues for privacy or would be considered harassment.  We also have selections for use of Social Media platforms for training.
Displaying products 1 - 4 of 4 results
Show Your Work
Show Your Work
What Is Knowledge? and Why Do People Share It? The benefits of and how to for working out loud.
Social Media Optimization for Dummies
Social Media Optimization for Dummies
Optimize, optimize, optimize to get the most out of your company's social media presence
Legal Social Media At Work
Legal Social Media At Work
Protect your organization from legal, reputation and security issues involving Social Media. Use this program for orientation or introduction to company policy on use of social media at work.
Social Media: Reduce Your Risk
Social Media: Reduce Your Risk
Social Media is used at a growing rate and many employees are blurring the lines between social and professional communication.Social Media: Reduce Your Risk provides clarity and how to formulate a company policy.