Taking Care of You: Employee Wellness
* Whole number only
Employee Wellness: Taking Care of You training program on personal wellness with DVD explores the concept of personal wellness and well being. The state of your personal well being including physical, mental, emotional affects the state of your health.. This fast paced program provides a good overview of essential awareness we all should have about our health and making it a priority to live a more heathly life.
Key Learning Points:
what is wellness- steps to prevent and manage chronic illness and the importance of being well physically
health screenings-prevention is the key. Eary detection screenings for heart disease and cancer.
prevention-vaccination and specific physical exams plus preventing alcohol and substance abuse
stress-bodies reaction to stress and the importance of exercising, relaxing and sleep
diet-what a proper diet shoudl look like plus practical things we can do to improve our diets
exercise-role of exercise in preventing injuries and illness-finding activities you enjoy
rest-importance of getting enough sleep and the consequences of sleep deprivation
Training Package includes: DVD 16 minutes( available in English, Spanish or Portuguese languages) plus PowerPoint Presentation
Training workshop to help equip employees with the emotional tools needed to overcome stress or periods of crisis.
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