Business Based Skills Authors: best selling authors Dr. Robert Cooper, DeWitt Jones, Kouzes and Posner, Patrick Lencioni, Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, Ed Oakley, Doug Krug, John Kotter and more.We offer an excellent selection of training workshops from the best known business authors. Some of these best selling books have also been adapted to training videos with workshop material for participants.
Take a look at our selections. We have many programs from the the esteemed leaders in their field of Leadership, Change, Teamwork, Delegating, Vision, Empowerment, Values and Ethics.
 Training Programs by Ken Blanchard
Patrick Lencioni focuses on a leader's crucial role in building a healthy organization- often overlooked but an essential element of business life.
Business Gamification For Dummies explains how you can apply the principles of this strategic concept to your own business model.
Gary Vaynerchuk provides insight how companies can use social media platforms toprovide personal attention to their customer base.
Author Nancy Durate revels in her new book the underlying story form of all great [resentations that willnot only create impact but move people to action.
Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Succes a discussion with Dr. Blanchard and Colleen Barrett of Southwest Airlines.
The Challenge Continues Facilitator Guide Set has been designed specifically to speak to the questions and issues most often faced by leaders that have been working to implement the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.
Dr. Marianne Jennings educates on the importance of speaking up when we notice a misstep in an area of corporate ethics and why it is everyone's responsibility.
Team survey to compliment the Five Dysfunctions of a Team workshop or use as a stand alone assessment of team cohesiveness and productivity.
Leadership Challenge Workshop on DVD. New Edition (2012) Definitive work on Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner.
Must have companion piece for each participant attending a Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop includes the 38 item team assessment
For Trainers, Managers or Team Leaders to deliver the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop.
LPI is the best selling and most trusted leadership tool of it 's generation developed and produced by Kouzes & Posner.
Core Skills For Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers,Consultants & Trainers
How to Use the Most Powerful Ideas in Marketing and Get More Customers Don Sexton author
The Strategic use of nonverbal communication in mediation is the subject of this book.
Good read with loads of suggestions on how to influence the behavior of your managers to think before they act promoting ethical behavior throughout your organizaton.
Leadership Legacy authoredby Kouzes & Posner...How the legacy you leave is the life you lead
Are we prepared to invest the time and energy required to be a great team? Learn how to overcome any team dysfunctions with this best selling field guide by Patrick Lencioni.
Perfect training workshop to kick-off a team building initiative with author Patrick Lencioni DVD.
Bringing out extraordinary leadership is simply a matter of skill building. This classic with Kouzes & Posner along with the newest edition of the Leadership Challenge book provides tried and true leadership skill building.
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