Coastal/DuPont Products

Displaying products 31 - 60 of 85 results
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Service Excellence: A Time To Care
: $395.00
Service Excellence: A Time To Care
Customer relations in healthcare reflects on the healthcare facility as a whole. Make sure your employees take time to care with service excellence!
Slips Trips Falls: Avoiding Injury in the Workplace
Slips Trips Falls: Avoiding Injury in the Workplace
Essential safety training for healthcare workers on being aware of potential hazards in the workplace.
Training Ground: Supervisory Skills
: $395.00
Training Ground: Supervisory Skills
Provides an overview of essential superviosry skills.
Managing Healthcare Stress: Winning The Race
Managing Healthcare Stress:  Winning The Race
Managing Healthcare Stress is designed to help healthcare workers cope with the stress and potential burnout of working in healthcare.
Patient Confidentiality: It's Everybody's Job, Not Everybody's Business
Patient Confidentiality: It's Everybody's Job, Not Everybody's Business
Patient Confidentiality training for healthcare workers to respect patient's ipersonal information at all times.
Why Didn't I Think of That?
: $395.00
Why Didn't I Think of That?
Why Didn't I Think of That teaches employees to challenge perspectives, keep an open mind and inspire others to share new ideas.
We've Got To Stop Meeting Like This
We've Got To Stop Meeting Like This
A how to for meetings especially when they go off course,keeping goals on track, keep participants involved and techniques to resolve disagreements.
Office Safety: It's a Jungle In There
Office Safety: It's a Jungle In There
Is your office like a jungle? Are your employees just a step away from an accident? This entertaining yet informing safety training program points out potential dangers.
Team Player
Team Player
Best seller on the importance of working together effectively as a team to achieve goals.
Wage and Hour Compliance
Wage and Hour Compliance
Wage & Hour Compliance walks us through the key aspects of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the question of exempt vs non-exempt employees and the respective wages.
Social Media: Reduce Your Risk
Social Media: Reduce Your Risk
Social Media is used at a growing rate and many employees are blurring the lines between social and professional communication.Social Media: Reduce Your Risk provides clarity and how to formulate a company policy.
You're Not Listening
: $395.00
You're Not Listening
This program draws our attention to how poor our listening habits can be and how we can improve our communication with others through identifying problems and overcoming bad listening habits.
Speaking Up Without Fear: Ethics with Marianne Jennings
Speaking Up Without Fear: Ethics with Marianne Jennings
Dr. Marianne Jennings educates on the importance of speaking up when we notice a misstep in an area of corporate ethics and why it is everyone's responsibility.
Street Smarts
Street Smarts
Bring your employees back to the basics with this new driving safety training program.
Newcomers, The
Newcomers, The
The Newcomers gives employees an eye opening look at hazard recognition and prevention.
Privacy Compliance Scenarios- HIPAA
Privacy Compliance Scenarios- HIPAA
Scenario filled program to help employees visualized what the HIPAA Privacy Rule covers and guidelines to protect patient privacy.
Privacy in Home Healthcare
Privacy in Home Healthcare
Home Health Care Agencies HIPAA training for employees.
Privacy Compliance-HIPAA
Privacy Compliance-HIPAA
Introduction to the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Perfect for staff education on measures that must be taken to protect patient privacy.
Understanding the New FMLA
Understanding the New FMLA
Understanding the New FMLA provides an accessible, accurate and comprehensive summary of the FMLA and its changes.
Point of Impact
: $595.00
Point of Impact
Front line of any organization is where customers are won and lost...for life! Point of Impact clearly demonstrates the steps your front line needs to take to keep customers coming back..again and again!
Secret, The: Customer Service Uncoverd
Secret, The: Customer Service Uncoverd
Customer service can be challenging. This program provides insight into overcoming language barriers and other obstacles.
Red Flags Rule: Preventing Identity Theft
Red Flags Rule: Preventing Identity Theft
This engaging program explains the newest mandate enforced by the FTC that can help put an end to the alarming problem of identity theft.
Leakproof: 8 Privacy Principles
Leakproof: 8 Privacy Principles
Our personal information can be leaked through a security breach. Arm your employees with key training to offset further damage from within or outside your organization.
Managing from the Heart
Managing from the Heart
Training course for managers on how to get better results from staff by improving communication skills. Going from fear and intimidation to an environment of support and leadership.
Understanding the New ADA
Understanding the New ADA
Training workshop addressing the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Help your managers stay in compliance.
Not Just Another Meeting: Performance Appraisal
Not Just Another Meeting: Performance Appraisal
Appraisal training program showing how to prepare for and conduct plus right way/wrong way scenarios perfect for discussion during training session.
Slips, Trips & Falls Real, Real Life
Slips, Trips & Falls Real, Real Life
Falls account for almost 300,000 workplace injuries. Equip your employees with the training to increase safety at work.
Life Meets Work: Overcoming Stress, Fear and Anxiety
: $395.00
Life Meets Work: Overcoming Stress, Fear and Anxiety
Training workshop to help equip employees with the emotional tools needed to overcome stress or periods of crisis.
Telephone Courtesy Pays Off II
Telephone Courtesy Pays Off II
Award winning classic to help Customer Service Reps handle those difficult calls.
No Privacy: Legal Issues in E Mail
: $395.00
No Privacy: Legal Issues in E Mail
Do your employees understand about electronic mail and the legal issues involved when used? {Perfect as part of your onboarding/orientation for new employees and as a refresher for all employees.
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